BBQ Competition

Three Categories: Chicken, Pork Ribs and People’s Choice

Must submit entries in chicken & rib categories to qualify for Grand Prize

When: Saturday, September 7th, 2024

Where: Steele County Fairgrounds Beer Garden
1525 S Cedar Ave
Owatonna, MN 55060

Time: Setup, 8AM-9:00AM: Tear down, 8PM

Details: Space 10×10 – water and electrical available

Contact: Jeff Hanson at

Address: Chubb’s Brew-BQ
220 Stoneridge LN NE
Owatonna, MN 55060

Phone: (507) 451-3684

Chicken: Whole chicken or chicken parts prepared according to KCBS rules.

Ribs: Pork ribs prepared according to KCBS rules.

People’s Choice: The People’s Choice is awarded to the team collecting the largest number of votes from the visiting crowds. Contestants will be expected to provide samples and goodwill to solicit the people’s choice votes.


8:00 AM-9:00 AM: Check-in, meat inspection and setup

9:30 AM: Cooks Meeting. (Mandatory—at least one team representative must attend.)

2:30 PM: Chicken turn-in

3:00 PM: Ribs turn-in

4:00 PM: People’s Choice open to the public

8:00 PM: Winner announcement including People’s Choice awards

TROPHIES for People’s Choice, Grand & Reserve Champion will be awarded

Register Your Team

Upon submission of your team registration, you will be directed to pay for the entry fee. Registration is not considered complete until the fee has been paid.

BBQ Application
Do you need electricity?

BBQ Rules and Procedures

People’s Choice meat will be provided for each team at check in to prepare for public sampling / the People’s Choice award. Teams are required to set up onsite with facilities for preparing and serving samples. Teams will make samples available to the public to promote your team’s chances at winning the People’s Choice Award. We suggest that you provide a 1 oz. samples for each visitor. Serving supplies for sampling will be provided. You may choose to also provide samples of any or all of your entries including ribs and chicken or your BBQ sauces in any form. Teams may have as many members as required.  You must have a team representative at the Cooks meeting on Saturday morning.

No Propane fired grills please! You must cook your ribs and chicken on site but you may rub/marinate it prior to arrival. Please remember it needs to be kept at safe food temperatures at all times during the process. All meat will be checked prior to the chef’s meeting for appropriate temperature.


Judging in the Chicken and Ribs, categories will follow the rules and procedures of the Kansas City Barbecue Society (KCBS). Entries will be scored in blind judging by a panel of approximately 6 judges. Chicken and Ribs are scored for Appearance, Taste, and Tenderness. Containers for the submission of samples for judging will also be provided. (9” lidded containers for pork and ribs); The People’s Choice is awarded based on the number of “votes” your team collects in exchange for samples and goodwill distributed through your booth.


The contest will award trophies for winners in each KCBS-Style category: Chicken and Ribs. We will recognize a Grand and Reserve Grand Champion based on your cumulative scores for both KCBS categories and one winner in the People’s Choice will also be recognized.

Your team must provide all equipment and supplies (cooking equipment, tents, tables, chairs, etc.) except for turn-in containers and sampling supplies.

Your team is responsible for the clean-up of your booth and the removal of your equipment and supplies. Dumpsters will be provided on-site for waste disposal. Clean-up should be completed by 8:00 PM.

1) Each team will be assigned a 10’x10’ space in which all equipment, coolers, and things necessary to BBQ at the event will need to remain.

2) The contestant is responsible for keeping their provided space clean. It is imperative that the clean-up be thorough, and any garbage left behind such as ash, plastic, cans, etc. may lead to disqualification. Ash cans will be provided.

3) Contestants will provide all needed equipment such as grills, tongs, turn-in platters, foil, etc. as well as water hoses and electrical cords.


5) Garnish is allowed: any type of lettuce, parsley, or kale will be accepted. No foreign objects such as skewers, toothpicks, foil. etc.

6) Chicken must be at least six (6) identifiable pieces. Any edible part of the bird can be used, such as breast, legs, wings, thighs, etc.

7) Rib Entries will be six (6) individual identifiable pieces.

8) Turn-in containers will be provided and must be used for the meat categories.

9) All cooks are responsible for their own teams. The following are considered grounds for disqualification:

  1. Excessive use of alcohol
  2. Serving of alcohol to the public
  3. Use of illegal or controlled substances
  4. Foul or abusive language, fighting, or disorderly conduct
  5. Theft, cheating, or dishonesty
  6. Continuous complaints from other teams
  7. Use of tobacco products while handling food
  8. Selling of food to the public

10) All entries will be scored on appearance, taste, and tenderness.

11) The contest organizer has the final say — ALL JUDGING IS FINAL

Thank you.

Questions: Please contact Jeff Hanson aExit Visual Buildert

A Captain’s Meeting will be held the morning of the contest.

2024 BBQers